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ART4SQLi – New SQLi Detection Method To Improve Pentesting Efficiency

С сайта: Vulnerability(cybersecuritynews.com)

ART4SQLi – New SQLi Detection Method To Improve Pentesting Efficiency

Author: Varshini Senapathi

A team of researchers has developed a novel approach called ART4SQLi that aims to enhance the efficiency of SQL injection (SQLi) vulnerability detection during penetration testing.

This innovative method, described in a recent paper, leverages adaptive random testing techniques to prioritize and select SQL injection payloads more effectively.

SQL injection remains one of the most critical web application vulnerabilities, allowing attackers to manipulate database queries and potentially gain unauthorized access.

While dynamic testing is commonly used to discover SQLi flaws before deployment, the process can be time-consuming and resource-intensive due to the vast number of potential attack payloads.

ART4SQLi addresses this challenge by intelligently selecting promising payloads for evaluation, rather than testing them sequentially or randomly.

The method works by first decomposing SQL injection payloads into tokens based on a predefined grammar.

cyber security newsART4SQLi
It then characterizes each payload as a feature vector and employs a distance metric to identify payloads that are most dissimilar to those already tested.

The researchers evaluated ART4SQLi using three widely adopted open-source SQLi benchmarks: Web for Pentester, DVWA 2014, and MCIR-SQLol.

The results demonstrated significant improvements over conventional random testing approaches:

  • On average, ART4SQLi achieved a 26.72% reduction in the number of payloads needed to discover an SQLi vulnerability compared to random testing.
  • For Web for Pentester, the improvement was 21.81%.
  • DVWA 2014 saw a 28.38% enhancement.
  • MCIR-SQLol showed a 28.23% boost in efficiency.

These gains were achieved with only a modest 3.94% increase in computational overhead, making ART4SQLi a practical option for real-world penetration testing scenarios.

cyber security newsART4SQLi Payload
The study also provided insights into the distribution of effective SQLi payloads within the overall payload space. The researchers found that successful payloads tend to cluster together and occupy a sparse portion of the total set.

This observation supports the underlying principle of ART4SQLi’s adaptive selection strategy. While ART4SQLi showed consistent improvements across most test cases, the researchers noted some limitations.

In scenarios where effective payloads were either very common or extremely rare, the benefits of the adaptive approach were less pronounced.

However, even in these edge cases, ART4SQLi still outperformed random testing by at least 13%. The development of ART4SQLi represents a significant step forward in automating and optimizing the SQLi vulnerability discovery process.

As web applications continue to be prime targets for cyberattacks, tools like ART4SQLi play a crucial role in strengthening security postures.

The researchers suggest that future work could focus on extending the methodology to other types of injection vulnerabilities and incorporating additional adaptive random testing techniques to further enhance performance.

With its promising results and practical applicability, ART4SQLi may soon become an essential component in the toolkit of security practitioners tasked with safeguarding web applications against SQL injection threats.

As the technique matures and is integrated into existing penetration testing frameworks, it could significantly streamline the vulnerability assessment process and contribute to more robust web security practices across the industry.

#Cyber_Security_News #CyberSecurity_Research #Penetration_Testing #Vulnerability #Adaptive_Random_Testing #penetration_testing #sql_injection

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