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Apache HertzBeat Vulnerability Let Attackers Exfiltrate Sensitive Data

С сайта: Vulnerability(cybersecuritynews.com)

Apache HertzBeat Vulnerability Let Attackers Exfiltrate Sensitive Data

Author: Tushar Subhra Dutta

A recently discovered vulnerability in Apache HertzBeat, an open-source real-time monitoring tool, has raised concerns about potential data exfiltration.

The security flaw, identified as CVE-2024-45791, affects versions of Apache HertzBeat prior to 1.6.1 and could allow unauthorized actors to access sensitive information.

This vulnerability, classified as low severity, involves the exposure of sensitive tokens via HTTP GET method with query string.

Due to this it could potentially be exploited by the threat actors to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data, compromising the confidentiality of monitored systems and user information.

The Apache Software Foundation has issued an advisory urging all users to update their HertzBeat installations to version 1.6.1 or later.

Apache HertzBeat, which recently joined the Apache Incubator program, is a popular monitoring solution used by organizations to track the performance and status of various services and applications.

Technical Analysis
The tool provides real-time insights and allows users to build status pages similar to those used by major platforms like GitHub.

Security researcher Icaro Torres is credited with discovering the vulnerability. Upon identification, the Apache HertzBeat team promptly addressed the issue and released a fix in version 1.6.1.

Users of affected versions are strongly encouraged to upgrade to the latest release to mitigate the risk of potential attacks.

This version (1.6.1) includes the necessary security patches to address the vulnerability and prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information.

While the exact details of the vulnerability have not been disclosed to prevent potential exploitation, the issue highlights the importance of regular security audits and timely updates for open-source software projects.

The discovery of this vulnerability comes at a crucial time for Apache HertzBeat, as the project recently released its first Apache version (1.6.0) after joining the incubator program.

Despite this setback, the Apache HertzBeat team has demonstrated a commitment to security by swiftly addressing the issue and providing a patched version.

The project continues to develop new features and improvements, including support for various protocols and monitoring capabilities for popular technologies like “Apache Hadoop HDFS” and “YARN.”

Users and administrators of Apache HertzBeat are advised to review their current installations, apply the necessary updates, and follow best security practices for securing their monitoring environments to protect against potential data exfiltration attempts.

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