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Tor Browser 14.0 Released: What’s New?

С сайта: Vulnerability(cybersecuritynews.com)

Tor Browser 14.0 Released: What’s New?

Author: Guru Baran

The Tor Project has announced the release of Tor Browser 14.0, marking a significant update to this privacy-focused web browser.

This release is based on Mozilla Firefox ESR 128, incorporating a year’s worth of upstream changes from Firefox, and includes numerous enhancements for both desktop and Android users.

Tor Browser 14.0 is the first stable release based on Firefox ESR 128. The transition involved a comprehensive audit of over 200 Bugzilla issues to ensure that privacy and security remain uncompromised.

Users will notice design updates inherited from Firefox, such as heavier typography and adjusted line heights, which aim to improve font compatibility and accessibility.

The new version improves the usability and compatibility of fingerprinting protections, enabling features like picture-in-picture and screenshots without compromising user privacy.

These improvements are part of ongoing efforts to maintain robust defenses against tracking and surveillance while enhancing user experience.

Android Enhancements

For Android users, Tor Browser 14.0 introduces a new feature allowing users to request a “New circuit for this site” directly from the browser’s menu.

cyber security newsNew Android circuit
This replaces the previous “New identity” feature accessed via Android’s notification drawer, providing a more targeted approach to resolving connectivity issues with specific websites.

Initially, Tor Browser 13.5 was set to be the last version supporting Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and macOS 10.12-10.14.

cyber security newsbrowser versions supported
However, Tor Browser 14.0 extends support for these platforms temporarily, ensuring they continue to receive critical security updates until at least March 2025. This decision aligns with Mozilla’s extended support timeline for Firefox ESR 115.

Despite its advancements, Tor Browser 14.0 has some known issues:

  • Android Users: Those using Guardian Project’s F-Droid repository may face update delays due to ongoing issues since version 13.5.3. Users can alternatively download the APK directly from the Tor website or use Google Play for updates.
  • Windows Compatibility Mode: Users running Tor Browser in compatibility mode on Windows 10 or 11 might encounter issues where the system misidentifies as Windows 7, affecting updates to version 14.0.

The development of Tor Browser is a community-driven effort, with significant contributions from volunteers who tackle bugs and enhance features across platforms. The Tor Project acknowledges these contributions as vital to its mission of providing secure and private internet access.

Tor Browser 14.0 represents a major step forward in enhancing user privacy and security while improving usability across devices. With its updated design, enhanced features, and continued support for legacy systems, it remains a crucial tool for those seeking anonymity online.

Users are encouraged to download the latest version from the official Tor website and consider contributing to the project through feedback or donations, especially as all donations are matched until the end of the year.

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