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Chipmaker Microchip Hit by Cyber Attack, Operations Impacted

С сайта: Vulnerability(cybersecuritynews.com)

Chipmaker Microchip Hit by Cyber Attack, Operations Impacted

Author: Guru Baran

Microchip Technology Incorporated, a leading semiconductor manufacturer, has been hit by a significant cyber attack that has disrupted its operations.

The company, which supplies chips to the U.S. defense industry, detected suspicious activity on its information technology systems on August 17, 2024.

These actions included isolating compromised systems, shutting down certain operations, and launching a comprehensive investigation with the help of external cybersecurity experts.

Despite these efforts, the company’s manufacturing facilities are operating below normal capacity, affecting its ability to fulfill orders.

Microchip is actively working to restore its IT systems and normalize business operations. However, according to the SEC filing, the full scope and impact of the cyber attack remain uncertain as the investigation is ongoing.

The company has not yet determined whether the incident will have a material impact on its financial condition or operational results.

The breach comes at a critical time for Microchip, which recently received $162 million from the U.S. Chips and Science Act to expand its semiconductor production capabilities.

This funding was intended to bolster the U.S. automotive, defense, and aerospace industries, highlighting the strategic importance of Microchip’s operations.

Cyber attacks on semiconductor manufacturers are not uncommon, with several high-profile incidents occurring in recent years. The potential for disruption in the silicon supply chain underscores the importance of robust cybersecurity measures.

Industry analysts and stakeholders are closely monitoring Microchip’s response and recovery efforts, given the company’s pivotal role in critical sectors.

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