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Hackers Exploiting HTTP File Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in Wild

С сайта: Vulnerability(cybersecuritynews.com)

Hackers Exploiting HTTP File Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in Wild

Author: Dhivya

Hackers are actively exploiting a remote code execution vulnerability in the HTTP File Server (HFS) program.

The vulnerability, identified as CVE-2024-23692, was disclosed in May 2024 and has since been leveraged by attackers to install malware and take control of vulnerable systems.

HFS, a popular file-sharing program, is now at the center of a significant security threat.

cyber security newsHFS program used for file sharing
CVE-2024-23692: A Critical Vulnerability
HFS is widely used due to its simplicity and efficiency in providing web services without the need for a full-fledged web server. However, this convenience comes at a cost.

The CVE-2024-23692 vulnerability allows attackers to send malicious packets to HFS servers, executing commands remotely.

This vulnerability affects the “HFS 2.3m” version, which, despite not being the latest, remains in widespread use.

Shortly after the vulnerability was made public, a proof of concept (PoC) was released, demonstrating how attackers could exploit it.

This has led to a surge in attacks, with the AhnLab Security Intelligence Center (ASEC) confirming multiple HFS processes being compromised to install malware.

cyber security newsVulnerability attack using PoC
Attack Methodology
Once attackers gain initial access, they execute commands to gather system information and establish backdoor accounts.

Commands such aswhoamiandarpcollect data, while new user accounts are added to maintain access.

Attackers often terminate the HFS process to prevent other malicious actors from exploiting the same vulnerability.

cmd /c “whoami”
arp -a
net user admin12 xiao9[remove]02.. /add
net user admin XIAOh[remove]22.. /add
net user tools Ad[remove]yq1 /add
net localgroup administrators tools /add
reg add “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList” /v ad[remove] /t REG_DWORD /d 0
taskkill /f /im hfs.exe
CoinMiner Attacks
Among the malware deployed, the XMRig coin miner is the most prevalent.

At least four different attackers have been identified using HFS to install coin miners, with one notable group being LemonDuck.

LemonDuck, first identified in 2019, has a history of exploiting various vulnerabilities to install XMRig, along with other malicious tools like XenoRAT and vulnerability scanner scripts.

cyber security newsLemonDuck’s XenoRAT and scanner malware
In addition to coin miners, various Remote Access Trojans (RATs) and backdoor malware have been observed.

These include Gh0stRAT, PlugX, CobaltStrike, and Netcat, frequently used by China-based attackers.

PlugX, in particular, has been identified as a variant of BackDoor.PlugX.38, is known for its extensive command support and plugin capabilities.

GoThief: A New Threat
Another significant threat is GoThief, a malware written in the Go language. GoThief steals information from infected systems using Amazon’s AWS services.

It captures screenshots and collects file information, IP addresses, and other data, which it then transfers to a command and control (C&C) server.

cyber security newsGoThief’s main routine
Exploiting the CVE-2024-23692 vulnerability in HFS highlights the critical need for users to update their software and implement robust security measures.

As hackers continue to develop sophisticated methods to exploit vulnerabilities, it is more important than ever to stay vigilant and proactive in cybersecurity practices.

– ce7dc5df5568a79affa540aa86b24773 : Gh0st RAT (2345.exe
– 8f0071027d513867feb3eb8943ccaf05 : Gh0st RAT (systeminfo.exe)
– 77970a04551636cc409e90d39bbea931 : PlugX Loader (Roboform.dll)
– 6adaeb6543955559c05a9de8f92d1e1d : PlugX (Encoded) (WindowsWatcher.key)
– 4383b1ea54a59d27e5e6b3122b3dadb2 : GoThief (conost.exe)

C&C Server
– 154.201.87[.]185:999 : Gh0st RAT
– 164.155.205[.]99:999 : Gh0st RAT
– support.firewallsupportservers[.]com:80 / 443 / 53 / 8080 : PlugX
– hxxp://188.116.22[.]65:5000/submit : GoTheif

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