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CISA & FBI Release Urges Developers to Eliminate Directory Traversal Vulnerabilities

С сайта: Vulnerability(cybersecuritynews.com)

CISA & FBI Release Urges Developers to Eliminate Directory Traversal Vulnerabilities

Author: Guru Baran

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have issued a joint Secure by Design Alert, calling on software developers and industry executives to intensify their efforts in eliminating directory traversal vulnerabilities within their products.

This move comes in response to a series of high-profile cyber-attacks that have exploited these vulnerabilities, notably CVE-2024-1708 and CVE-2024-20345, leading to significant disruptions across critical infrastructure sectors, including healthcare and public education.

Directory traversal, also known as path traversal, represents a critical security flaw that allows attackers to access restricted directories and execute commands outside of a web server’s root directory.


Despite being a well-documented issue for over two decades, with comprehensive mitigation strategies readily available, the persistence of these vulnerabilities in new and existing software products continues to pose a significant risk to global cybersecurity.

Recent threat actor campaigns leveraging directory traversal vulnerabilities have underscored the urgent need for a more proactive approach to software security.

Exploiting these vulnerabilities has not only compromised sensitive information. Still, it has also disrupted essential services, including hospital operations and educational institutions, underscoring the potential for widespread impact on public safety and well-being.

CISA and FBI’s Call to Action
In their Secure by Design Alert, CISA and the FBI have outlined several key recommendations for software manufacturers and their customers.

For manufacturers, the agencies emphasize the importance of conducting formal testing, per the OWASP testing guidance, to assess their products’ susceptibility to directory traversal vulnerabilities.

Additionally, they are urged to develop and publish a secure design roadmap, demonstrating their commitment to prioritizing security in their development processes.

The alert advises customers to inquire about the security testing practices of their software providers, encouraging a culture of transparency and accountability in the industry.

With the CISA currently listing 55 directory traversal vulnerabilities in its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) catalog, the joint alert serves as a critical reminder of the ongoing challenges in securing software against cyber threats.

The collaboration between CISA and the FBI highlights the importance of a unified approach to cybersecurity, emphasizing the role of industry-wide cooperation in addressing and mitigating these vulnerabilities.

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