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New GitHub AI-Powered Tool Can Automatically Fix Code Vulnerabilities

С сайта: Vulnerability(cybersecuritynews.com)

New GitHub AI-Powered Tool Can Automatically Fix Code Vulnerabilities

Author: Balaji N

In a groundbreaking move to enhance code security, GitHub has announced the launch of a new feature called “code scanning autofix,” which leverages the power of GitHub Copilot and CodeQL to resolve code vulnerabilities automatically.

This innovative tool is designed to streamline the process of identifying and fixing security issues within codebases, marking a significant step forward in automated code maintenance and security practices.

cyber security news Image Credits: GitHub
The introduction of code scanning autofix represents a major leap in developers’ approaches to code security.

cyber security news Image Credits: GitHub
GitHub writes today, “Security teams will also benefit from a reduced volume of everyday vulnerabilities, so they can focus on strategies to protect the business while keeping up with an accelerated pace of development.”

How It Works
The auto-fix feature is built into GitHub’s code-scanning process. When a potential security vulnerability is detected, the tool not only alerts the developers but also suggests a fix, generated by the AI based on the context of the code.

This saves time and helps maintain a high standard of code quality and security. GitHub utilizes the GPT-4 model from OpenAI to provide the fixes and explanations for them.

GitHub is inviting organizations new to the platform or those not yet adopted GitHub Advanced Security to try out code scanning autofix. Interested parties can contact GitHub to request a demo and set up a free trial.

This initiative is part of GitHub’s broader effort to standardize workflows and establish best practices using GitHub Projects, aiming to enhance collaboration and alignment within and across development teams.


With cybersecurity’s ever-increasing importance, GitHub’s new autofix tool is poised to play a crucial role in helping developers keep their codebases secure. By automating the detection and fixing of vulnerabilities, GitHub simplifies the developers’ workload and contributes to creating a safer digital environment.

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