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LiteSpeed Cache Plugin XSS Flaw Exposes 4M+ Million Sites to Attack

С сайта: Vulnerability(cybersecuritynews.com)

LiteSpeed Cache Plugin XSS Flaw Exposes 4M+ Million Sites to Attack

Author: Dhivya

A critical vulnerability has been discovered in the LiteSpeed Cache plugin, a popular WordPress plugin installed on over 4 million websites.

This flaw, identified as a stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability, poses a significant risk to millions of websites, potentially allowing attackers to execute malicious scripts.

This vulnerability, identified as CVE-2023-40000, explicitly affects versions of the plugin up to 5.6 and was promptly addressed by the LiteSpeed Technologies team with a patch released in version

The XSS flaw arises from the plugin’s failure to properly sanitize user input, particularly in handling theupdate_cdn_statusfunction, Rafie Muhammad of Pathstack said.

This function, which updates the Auto CDN Setup status, did not adequately check the input from users, leading to the possibility of executing unsanitized code.

The vulnerability is further compounded by inadequate access control on one of the plugin’s REST API endpoints, allowing unauthenticated users potentially to exploit this flaw.

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Given the widespread use of the LiteSpeed Cache plugin, the impact of this vulnerability cannot be overstated. Websites that fail to update to the patched version remain at risk of data theft, unauthorized access, and other malicious activities.

The LiteSpeed Cache plugin is renowned for its server-level cache and optimization features, making it a critical component for many WordPress sites seeking to improve performance.

“Note that this vulnerability is reproducible in a default installation and activation of the LiteSpeed Cache plugin without a specific requirement or configuration,” reads the report.

Recommendations for Users
Users of the LiteSpeed Cache plugin are strongly advised to update to version or later immediately. For those concerned about future vulnerabilities, services like Patchstack offer real-time protection and vulnerability notifications for WordPress plugins, including LiteSpeed Cache.

Patchstack provides various plans, including a free community plan, to help website owners avoid potential security threats.

The discovery of the XSS vulnerability in the LiteSpeed Cache plugin serves as a reminder of the constant vigilance required to secure WordPress sites.

While the prompt patching of the flaw by LiteSpeed Technologies has mitigated the immediate risk, website owners must ensure their sites are updated to avoid falling victim to such vulnerabilities.

With over 4 million sites potentially affected, this vulnerability highlights the importance of regular updates and security monitoring for all WordPress plugins.

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