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Researchers Unveild Apple’s Shortcuts Vulnerability

С сайта: Vulnerability(cybersecuritynews.com)

Researchers Unveild Apple’s Shortcuts Vulnerability

Author: Guru Baran

Researchers uncovered the vulnerability in Apple’s Shortcuts application, which could leave users’ privacy at risk. This vulnerability highlights the importance of maintaining constant and rigorous security measures to protect sensitive data.

The vulnerability, CVE-2024-23204, has raised concerns due to the widespread use of Shortcuts for automating tasks across macOS and iOS devices.


The Nature of CVE-2024-23204
Shortcuts, a powerful automation tool by Apple, allows users to create personalized workflows to streamline tasks and enhance productivity.

These shortcuts can be distributed through various channels, including Apple’s gallery, where users can discover and share automation workflows.

cyber security newsThe ‘ Expand URL ‘ function was the pivotal element that allowed the shortcut to bypass TC
However, CVE-2024-23204 exposes a critical flaw in this sharing mechanism, potentially allowing malicious shortcuts to exploit user data without their knowledge.

The vulnerability has a CVSS score 7.5, indicating a high severity level. It primarily concerns how Shortcuts handles permissions, allowing a shortcut to use sensitive data with specific actions without prompting the user.

Bitdefender said that this flaw could lead to the accidental dissemination of malicious shortcuts through diverse sharing platforms, posing a significant risk to user privacy.

This is what the attack looks like on the user’s end after they install the malicious shortcut:
It was discovered that by exploiting CVE-2024-23204, it was possible to create a shortcut file that could effectively circumvent the TCC security system.

This vulnerability could potentially allow an attacker to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information or perform malicious actions on the affected system.

The discovery of CVE-2024-23204 underscores the importance of scrutinizing shared shortcuts, especially those obtained from unverified sources.

Users are strongly advised to exercise caution when importing shortcuts and stay updated with the latest security patches Apple provides.

Apple has addressed the issue in macOS Sonoma 14.3, watchOS 10.3, iOS 17.3, and iPadOS 17.3 with improved permissions checks, mitigating the risk posed by this vulnerability.Users must update their devices to these versions to safeguard against potential exploits.

The recent vulnerability incident has brought to light the potential risks associated with sharing and disseminating shortcuts within the Shortcuts app.

Although the app is designed to simplify the process of performing automated tasks, it also creates opportunities for security breaches.

In response to the discovery, the security community has emphasized adopting best practices for sharing and importing shortcuts. Users are advised to only download shortcuts from trusted sources and to be wary of shortcuts that request unnecessary permissions.

Apple Advisory:
The disclosure of CVE-2024-23204 has significant implications for the Apple ecosystem, emphasizing the urgency of implementing advanced security measures to counter evolving cyber threats.

As Apple continues to patch vulnerabilities and enhance the security of its devices, users must remain vigilant, ensuring their digital safety through cautious sharing and importing of shortcuts.

For more detailed information on CVE-2024-23204 and recommended mitigation measures, users and developers are encouraged to visit the official Bitdefender blog and Apple’s support pages.

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