Microsoft .NET Core and Visual Studio Flaw Let hackers Launch Denial of Service Attack
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Microsoft .NET Core and Visual Studio Flaw Let hackers Launch Denial of Service Attack
Author: EswarAs per reports, Microsoft .NET core and Visual Studio were found with a Denial of Service, which can be exploited by threat actors. Microsoft has released patches to fix this vulnerability for both .NET and Visual Studio Products.
RedHat stated that this vulnerability allows a threat actor to bypass the QUIC stream limit in both ASP.NET and .NET runtimes in the HTTP version 3, which causes a Denial of Service vulnerability. RedHat has also released patches for this vulnerability.
This vulnerability has a low exploitability vector. However, this highly affects the availability of the CIA triad of Microsoft products.
Ubuntu Plugins In addition to this, Tenable has released plugins to find this vulnerability through Nessus scans.
ID Name Product Family Severity 179502Ubuntu 23.04: .NET vulnerabilities (USN-6278-1)NessusUbuntu Local Security ChecksHIGH179584Ubuntu 23.04 : .NET vulnerabilities (USN-6278-1)NessusUbuntu Local Security ChecksHIGH Document @import url(''); @import url(''); *{ margin: 0;
#Cyber_Security_News #Vulnerability #Denial_of_Service_Attack #Microsoft_.NET #Visual_Studio
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